2025 NorCal AIDS Cycle Beneficiaries
The NorCal AIDS Cycle is proud to be announce the 13 worthy agencies that have been selected as the 2025 NCAC Beneficiaries. We look forward to working with you all to make this the best year ever!!! For more information about any of our Beneficiaries, please click on their logo below!
2024 NCAC Beneficiary Celebration
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
At least for our Cyclists & Crew and Benefiting Agencies. On August 26, 2024, the NorCal AIDS Cycle held their annual In-Person Beneficiary Celebration at the Bear & Crown British Pub in Old Sacramento.
For 2024 NCAC dispersed $90,000 in funds to our 13 benefitting Agencies!
We’d love to see those magical moments that you captured at the Beneficiary Celebration, please share your pictures with us at photos@norcalaidscycle.org or better yet, upload them to our 2024 NCAC Beneficiary Celebration Gallery at https://photos.app.goo.gl/tD3wHew1MUYr4Asy7
NCAC would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Jesse Ledin and Joe Wilson for allowing us to use their gorgeous Bear & Crown British Pub Back Patio for this year’s Celebration!
Learn more about our Beneficiaries Below
Sunburst Projects: ($12,000) Keeps families together by creating safe & supportive communities for children, youth & families living with HIV/AIDS. Provides teen & young adult services, childcare services, mental health services, Women of Survival support group and HIV/AIDS prevention & education.
Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation: ($11,000) Provides comprehensive support services to people living with HIV or AIDS and their families and education and prevention services to the general public in the Sierra Foothills region, including Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, and Alpine Counties.
Healing Waters: ($9,000) Strives to empower, inspire and enrich the lives of people challenging HIV/AIDS through wilderness adventures; such as whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, cross-country skiing, and camping trips.
Golden Rule Services: ($9,000) Celebrating over 23 years of providing a variety of free HIV, STD and HCV education, prevention, testing and outreach services to local high risk/vulnerable priority populations. The NCAC grant will financially support our rapid HIV, HCV and STD testing, condom distribution, street outreach, PrEP/PEP Navigation Services for high risk HIV negative populations and HIV Navigation Services for those newly infected with HIV. GRS is excited to be a community partner with the California and Sacramento County "Getting to Zero" plans to reduce new infections. This year marks GRS’s 14th year of involvement with NCAC! The board, staff and clients of Golden Rule Services thanks NCAC for its continued support.
Harm Reduction Services: ($9,000) Gives clients a “real voice” in programs and policies designed to serve them and is the belief that making practical, safer, realistic, steps towards reducing ones harm will create long term positive change in individuals and communities.
SANE (Safer Alternatives thru Networking and Education): ($9,000) One of the oldest and largest FREE syringe exchange programs in California aiming to attain CDC’s goals of “a new fit for every hit.” An organization created by and for injection drug users and others who care about the health and quality of life of IDU in our community.
Sierra HOPE (Health Opportunities, Programs and Education): ($6,500) Instilling hope, fostering knowledge and supporting those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties. Services include HIV and HCV rapid testing, HIV prevention, education, case management and direct support for food, housing, transportation and other needs that contribute to the client’s health and quality of life.
Gender Health Center: ($6,500) Provides for marginalized and underserved populations in the Sacramento region, specifically transgender community. Will be offering provider supported peer navigation clinics for the trans and HIV positive population which will include HIV screening, counseling and access to PrEP. Also provides a mentorship program that helps advocate for clients.
Women’s Health Specialists: ($5,000) Provides education and outreach to hard-to-reach populations throughout Northern California. Target populations include young people between the ages of 15 and 25, with an emphasis on prevention of HIV infections. Specialists are trained to discuss sensitive issues with young people in a way that is respectful and maintains confidentiality.
Nevada County Public Health Dept. HIV/HCV Rapid Testing Program: ($5,000) Provides free, confidential HIV/HCV counseling and testing services in Nevada County, as well as Naloxone distribution. Services include counseling component which involves exploring the consumer’s understanding of HIV/HCV transmission and personal risk behaviors, developing a workable harm reduction plan, and referring consumers to other support services, as appropriate.
Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry: ($3,000) The Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry of the Diocese of Sacramento responds to the spiritual and corporal needs of men, women and children who are affected by HIV/AIDS. All of our funds go to provide direct services and assistance to clients to keep them in their homes, purchase essential medicines or to cover special needs; such as car repairs, DMV fees, and/or utilities. Since our funds are unrestricted, in many instances, we can partner with other agencies to meet clients needs that can not be addressed within restricted service programs.
UC Davis Children's Hospital Infectious Disease Clinic: ($3,000) UC Davis Children's Hospital is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of children by promoting wellness through patient care, education, research and community service and by providing a regionally and nationally recognized center for innovative children's health care, making available the very best care possible.
Yuba Harm Reduction Collective: ($2,000) Yuba Harm Reduction Collective’s mission is to offer low-barrier, person-centered, judgement-free resources, education, advocacy, and mutual support services in ways that reduce stigma, ensure dignity, maximize self-determination, decrease health risks, create open dialogues, and empower people who use drugs.
For more information please contact ncaceventinfo@gmail.com