The 2025 NCAC Crew
The fundraising minimum for Crew Members is $600.
Crew Members who have not raised at least $600 will have to make a donation to the NCAC via credit card, cash, money order, or cashier’s check to raise their fundraising total to $600 if they wish to participate in the 2025 NorCal AIDS Cycle.
Still have questions about fundraising? Contact your mentor or contact us to get hooked up with a fundraising coordinator.
NCAC Crew Member Jobs and Responsibilities:
SAG/Sweep Crew
The SAG (Support and Gear) Crews are responsible for keeping track of the Cyclists while they’re out on the course. This includes helping Cyclists make it through particularly tricky intersections, chasing down lost Cyclists, helping with basic bicycle maintenance, giving out extra water bottles and food to Cyclists, and providing transportation to injured or worn out Cyclists and their bicycles. Each day, one of the SAG Crews will be designated as the Sweep Crew, or Broom Wagon, for the day. This crew is responsible for keeping in visual contact with the last Cyclist or group of Cyclists on the course.
Each SAG/Sweep Crew consists of two people and must have a vehicle capable of transporting at least 2 Cyclists and their bicycles. Basic bike maintenance knowledge and equipment are also desired, but not required. Finally, and maybe most importantly, the SAG Crews get to be out on the road with the Cyclists, cheering them on and providing motivation through the really tough sections.
Rest Stop & Lunch Crews
We will be offering a rest stop or lunch stop every 12 to 20 miles on the NCAC. The Rest Stop and Lunch Crews are responsible for setting up and taking down all of these stations each day and assisting the Cyclists as they arrive.
These Crews also perform the vital service of helping Cyclists keep track of time and making sure that all Cyclists stay on schedule to complete each day’s riding before the course closes down in the evening. Each Crew will consist of at least 3 people and will be assigned to set up, staff, and take down one or more sight(s) per day.
Because the safety and health of our cyclist and crew are paramount, it is recommended, but not required, that Rest Stop & Lunch Crews complete a food safety course and get their California Food Handlers Card. This online course has a cost of $10.
Be part of the NCAC Crew! Be part of a team. Be part of a whole. If you are interested and have questions about volunteering or about a particular crew assignment, please contact us and let’s talk about it!